What's Next
"Journey to Success"
Coaching Programs
You are the co-creator of your own destiny; your own path to success. Programs are designed to take place over three to six months. Let Mel and his team help you:
- Discover and connect with your true self
- Find your unique style of leading
- Dispel your barriers to success Transcend your own leadership capabilities into success
Schedule a free 30-minute call to experience what executive coaching can do for you.
Beyond The Book
Volume 4: A Time for Leadership
It is important to ask all our friends, colleagues, and readers to be safe and stay heathy as we all face this global challenge. There is an abundance of information available about what this is and…
Volume 3: Leadership Becoming
Most word collections would like us to understand that “becoming” is the process of coming to be something or of passing into a state (cf. Merriam Webster). For leaders, it suggests that…
Volume 2: Leadership Capacity
This is an idea that a leader comes to realize at some point in their journey. All too often the experience of stress pulls someone in this direction. They begin to see that they are not dealing with…
Volume 1: Leadership Capability
The challenge of today’s leadership is complex. Faced with demands such as rapid market changes, digital revolutions, customer demands, inspiring people, shareholder expectations, and…